Learn all about how to use the funds on your Caxton Card to make an international payment.
How to make an international payment
Step 1: Login and using the button at the top of the screen click Currency Cards
Step 2: Select Transfer GBP
Please note: You can follow the same steps for all currencies. This is just an example for transferring GBP.
Step 3: Enter the amount you would like to transfer and select Continue
Once you have transferred the amount, follow the steps below.
Step 4: Using the button at the top of the screen click International payments
Step 5: Using the left sidebar click Send from Balance
Step 6: Choose single or multiple people to pay by selecting your Recipient
Step 7: Finally, send the funds by clicking Confirm
That's it. You should be able to make an international payment.
Still need support? Get in touch with our international payments customer support team by sending an email to info@caxton.io Or perhaps you would like to open an account? Learn more and get in touch today.