How can I submit an expense and upload a receipt?

Learn all about how to add an expense item to your account and upload a receipt.

How to submit an expense as a user

Step 1:
Login to your User Account.

Please note: Only users can submit an expense.

Step 2:
Navigate to your expenses via Expenses > My Expenses

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Step 3: Choose your date range and click Apply

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Step 4: Choose from your list of expenses and click Make Expense

Fill in the form to include information on the type of transaction, notes, VAT reference and VAT amount if applicable.

Please note: You must select at least one expense category. To create new expense categories contact your account administrator.

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Please note: The upload receipt option will appear after you enter the above information and click save expense.

Step 5: Select your receipt and click Upload File

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Step 6: When your receipt is uploaded click Save Expense

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That's it. Your expense should be logged and your receipt uploaded.

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